@inproceedings{meracaraballo2013tripleset, added-at = {2013-08-22T18:15:08.000+0200}, author = {Mera Caraballo, Alexander Arturo and Nunes, Bernardo Pereira and Lopes, Giseli Rabello and Paes Leme, Luiz André P. and Casanova, Marco Antonio and Dietze, Stefan}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2c91170dcc42d26f2213b2f649c08b41e/dietze}, booktitle = {12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2013)}, interhash = {0e5aac2f8b74948777ae84d977b2aad1}, intrahash = {c91170dcc42d26f2213b2f649c08b41e}, keywords = {data duraark l3s linked linkedup myown semantic web}, timestamp = {2014-12-02T16:14:48.000+0100}, title = {TRT - A Tripleset Recommendation Tool }, year = 2013 }