@inproceedings{conf/fc/KrombholzDSW15, added-at = {2024-05-07T00:00:00.000+0200}, author = {Krombholz, Katharina and Dabrowski, Adrian and Smith, Matthew and Weippl, Edgar R.}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/23ed67086ca258170bfebfc69d1985faa/dblp}, booktitle = {Financial Cryptography Workshops}, crossref = {conf/fc/2015w}, editor = {Brenner, Michael and Christin, Nicolas and Johnson, Benjamin and Rohloff, Kurt}, ee = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-48051-9_20}, interhash = {9e2156ba1f9d9eaf8095c32cdc1f91ae}, intrahash = {3ed67086ca258170bfebfc69d1985faa}, isbn = {978-3-662-48050-2}, keywords = {dblp}, pages = {274-280}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, timestamp = {2024-05-13T08:40:24.000+0200}, title = {Ok Glass, Leave Me Alone: Towards a Systematization of Privacy Enhancing Technologies for Wearable Computing.}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/fc/fc2015w.html#KrombholzDSW15}, volume = 8976, year = 2015 } @incollection{krombholz2015glass, added-at = {2016-01-12T13:39:13.000+0100}, author = {Krombholz, Katharina and Dabrowski, Adrian and Smith, Matthew and Weippl, Edgar}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2eb1e57846bdda872e5a0515ab614156a/smithl3s}, booktitle = {Financial Cryptography and Data Security}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-48051-9_20}, editor = {Brenner, Michael and Christin, Nicolas and Johnson, Benjamin and Rohloff, Kurt}, interhash = {9e2156ba1f9d9eaf8095c32cdc1f91ae}, intrahash = {eb1e57846bdda872e5a0515ab614156a}, isbn = {978-3-662-48050-2}, keywords = {myown privacy wearablecomputing wearables}, pages = {274-280}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, timestamp = {2020-04-17T12:11:51.000+0200}, title = {Ok Glass, Leave Me Alone: Towards a Systematization of Privacy Enhancing Technologies for Wearable Computing}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-48051-9_20}, volume = 8976, year = 2015 }