@article{schmitzrestricts, abstract = {pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23696736}}, added-at = {2013-06-04T13:20:17.000+0200}, author = {Schmitz, I and Schneider, C and Frohlich, A and Frebel, H and Christ, D and Leonard, W J and Sparwasser, T and Oxenius, A and Freigang, S and Kopf, M}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/203fae2befe8cbc7537e9baf2b65bc1f2/sparwasser}, editor = {Pathog, PLoS}, interhash = {44379daedbd2ff349df1e4e94faacc95}, intrahash = {03fae2befe8cbc7537e9baf2b65bc1f2}, journal = {PLoS Pathog}, keywords = {sparwasser}, number = 5, pages = {e1003362}, timestamp = {2013-06-04T13:20:17.000+0200}, title = {IL-21 Restricts Virus-driven Treg Cell Expansion in Chronic LCMV Infection}, volume = 9, year = 2013 }