@article{MR3175087, added-at = {2016-05-09T18:02:24.000+0200}, author = {Haltmeier, Markus and Munk, Axel}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2105a920e7bb5a173fc90cc9f42c75fc8/for916}, doi = {10.1016/j.acha.2013.07.004}, fjournal = {Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, Wavelets, Numerical Algorithms, and Applications}, interhash = {261cbd47864874ddb849f25de12a0fdd}, intrahash = {105a920e7bb5a173fc90cc9f42c75fc8}, issn = {1063-5203}, journal = {Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal.}, keywords = {B3}, mrclass = {94A12 (42C40)}, mrnumber = {3175087}, mrreviewer = {Youming Liu}, number = 3, pages = {434--460}, timestamp = {2016-05-09T18:02:24.000+0200}, title = {Extreme value analysis of empirical frame coefficients and implications for denoising by soft-thresholding}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.acha.2013.07.004}, volume = 36, year = 2014 }