@inproceedings{low2017towards, added-at = {2016-12-01T16:15:39.000+0100}, author = {Low, Thomas and Bubalo, Nikola and Gossen, Tatiana and Kotzyba, Michael and Brechmann, André and Huckauf, Anke and Nürnberger, Andreas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/21cf0b32d32dfae3daec3e2801ddc0271/tats}, booktitle = {ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval}, interhash = {cc6e9f8cba60536f2736804d827d6c14}, intrahash = {1cf0b32d32dfae3daec3e2801ddc0271}, keywords = {myown}, note = {to appear}, timestamp = {2016-12-01T16:15:39.000+0100}, title = {Towards Identifying User Intentions in Exploratory Search using Gaze and Pupil Tracking}, year = 2017 }