@article{auriemma2012, added-at = {2012-06-04T12:38:56.000+0200}, author = {Auriemma, M and Brzoska, T and Klenner, L and Kupas, V and Goerge, T and Voskort, M and Zhao, Z and Sparwasser, T and Luger, T A and Loser, K}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/21d025c78ae09a38c6757894fea5846c2/sparwasser}, editor = {of investigative dermatology, The Journal}, interhash = {a95ae0c6a8bc2fd12156421dbe9ddaaa}, intrahash = {1d025c78ae09a38c6757894fea5846c2}, journal = {J Invest Dermatol}, keywords = {sparwasser}, month = {März 2012}, number = 7, pages = {1814-1824}, pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22418871}, timestamp = {2012-07-02T12:52:01.000+0200}, title = {alpha-MSH-Stimulated Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells Induce Functional Regulatory T Cells and Ameliorate Ongoing Skin Inflammation}, volume = 132, year = 2012 }