@article{yuanmicrorna221, added-at = {2012-08-29T14:37:47.000+0200}, author = {Yuan, Q and Loya, K and Rani, B and Mobus, S and Balakrishnan, A and Lamle, J and Cathomen, T and Vogel, A and Manns, M P and Ott, M and Cantz, T and Sharma, A D}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2213ae095939c92b75b7989d8bbf80ae8/ott}, editor = {Hepatology}, interhash = {90dd428045e961d2334fe2e8c6c80888}, intrahash = {213ae095939c92b75b7989d8bbf80ae8}, journal = {Hepatology}, keywords = {ott}, number = 1, pages = {299-310}, pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22821679}, timestamp = {2013-01-29T12:19:49.000+0100}, title = {MicroRNA-221 overexpression accelerates hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration}, volume = 57, year = 2013 }