@article{gerold2015quantitative, added-at = {2015-08-19T10:51:47.000+0200}, author = {Gerold, G and Meissner, F and Bruening, J and Welsch, K and Perin, P M and Baumert, T F and Vondran, F W and Kaderali, L and Marcotrigiano, J and Khan, A G and Mann, M and Rice, C M and Pietschmann, T}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2358a8137a032b919b24fcbeb4e2d0295/pietschmann}, editor = {reports, Cell}, interhash = {90e9ec089f6deaafeaf35af1f1f8aba4}, intrahash = {358a8137a032b919b24fcbeb4e2d0295}, journal = {Cell Rep}, keywords = {pietschmann}, number = 5, pages = {864-878}, pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26212323}, timestamp = {2015-08-19T10:51:47.000+0200}, title = {Quantitative Proteomics Identifies Serum Response Factor Binding Protein 1 as a Host Factor for Hepatitis C Virus Entry}, volume = 12, year = 2015 }