@article{Beyer2011, added-at = {2011-11-21T17:40:30.000+0100}, author = {Beyer, M and Thabet, Y and Muller, R U and Sadlon, T and Classen, S and Lahl, K and Basu, S and Zhou, X and Bailey-Bucktrout, S L and Krebs, W and Schonfeld, E A and Bottcher, J and Golovina, T and Mayer, C T and Hofmann, A and Sommer, D and Debey-Pascher, S and Endl, E and Limmer, A and Hippen, K L and Blazar, B R and Balderas, R and Quast, T and Waha, A and Mayer, G and Famulok, M and Knolle, P A and Wickenhauser, C and Kolanus, W and Schermer, B and Bluestone, J A and Barry, S C and Sparwasser, T and Riley, J L and Schultze, J L}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/252c7fe327469e5be3a60cb9c7c420f4f/sparwasser}, groups = {public}, interhash = {31a2fb4d9a19020d697665f6567a94e8}, intrahash = {52c7fe327469e5be3a60cb9c7c420f4f}, journal = {Nat Immunol}, keywords = {sparwasser}, number = 9, pages = {898-907}, pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21841785}, timestamp = {2012-06-06T12:52:12.000+0200}, title = {Repression of the genome organizer SATB1 in regulatory T cells is required for suppressive function and inhibition of effector differentiation.}, username = {sparwasser}, volume = 12, year = 2011 }