
Cloudalicious: Folksonomy Over Time

. JCDL 06: Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries, page 364--364. New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, (2006)


Cloudalicious is an online visualization tool that has been designed to give insight into how `tag clouds', or folksonomies, develop over time. A folksonomy is an organic system of text labels attributed to an object by the users of that object. The most common object so far to be the subject of this tagging has been the online bookmark. Stabilization of a URL's tag cloud over time is the clearest result of this type of visualization. Any diagonal movement on the graphs, indicative of a change in the tags being used to describe a URL, should garner further discussion.

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  • @domenico79
  • @jrsinclair
  • @jboy701
  • @vipirtti
  • @dblp
@vipirtti's tags highlighted