@article{ciesek2008suppressive, added-at = {2012-06-14T10:00:53.000+0200}, author = {Ciesek, S and Steinmann, E and Manns, M P and Wedemeyer, H and Pietschmann, T}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2713a8b94f45232d62c8a2d82ceec30ce/pietschmann}, editor = {Dis, J Infect}, interhash = {1919793ab334739aba5e2409dad9afac}, intrahash = {713a8b94f45232d62c8a2d82ceec30ce}, journal = {J Infect Dis}, keywords = {pietschmann}, month = {Oktober}, number = 7, pages = {1091-1093}, pubmedurl = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18774886}, timestamp = {2012-06-19T12:34:06.000+0200}, title = {The suppressive effect that myriocin has on hepatitis C virus RNA replication is independent of inhibition of serine palmitoyl transferase}, volume = 198, year = 2008 }