@inproceedings{scharf2011difference, abstract = {Today's software development and maintenance is time consuming, cost-intensive and particularly an iterative process. Since models and diagrams are the main artifact in the development process of numerous research institutes and software companies, it is necessary to show and merge di fferences as the model evolves. While there are plenty of di fference tools available for textual artifacts (like source code) this does not hold for diagrams. This paper presents an approach to show and merge deltas of di fferent model versions directly within the corresponding diagram editor. This is done by integrating the Diff erence Visualization for Models (DVM) framework into existing editors with as little e ffort as possible.}, added-at = {2011-05-09T14:37:01.000+0200}, author = {Scharf, Andreas and Zündorf, Albert}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/28a396c96cdd17cbb848745cf3da6e273/zenobios}, interhash = {ed17946f77d5bc7dde0ec37c22c9b17a}, intrahash = {8a396c96cdd17cbb848745cf3da6e273}, keywords = {delta diagram diff editor gef myown se uml zenobios}, timestamp = {2013-01-31T16:27:46.000+0100}, title = {Difference Visualization for Models (DVM) - Visualizing model changes directly within diagrams}, url = {http://seblog.cs.uni-kassel.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/FujabaDays2011_DVM.pdf}, year = 2011 }