@article{velasquezinpress, added-at = {2018-04-11T10:44:27.000+0200}, author = {Velasquez, L and Stüve, P and Gentilini, M and Swallow, M and Bartel, J and Lycke, N and Barkan, N and Martina, M and Lujan, H and Kalay, H and Van Kooyk, Y and Sparwasser, T and Berod, L}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/29435946abea27c432bdbc24c7ccd85a2/sparwasser}, editor = {Immunol, Front}, interhash = {6c7184994230cda9d79073ec10c7df5a}, intrahash = {9435946abea27c432bdbc24c7ccd85a2}, journal = {Front Immunol}, keywords = {sparwasser}, pages = 471, pubmedurl = {https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29662482}, timestamp = {2019-10-14T10:58:07.000+0200}, title = {Targeting mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens to dendritic cells via the DC-SIGN receptor induces strong Th1 immune responses. }, volume = {9:}, year = 2018 }