@article{zenz2012towards, abstract = {Knowing about the evolution of a term can significantly help when searching for relevant information, especially in case of sudden evolutions (e.g. as of dramatical changes in political situations). Here, some terms get a completely new meaning or are used in new or different ways. In mobile situations it is important to be able to effectively retrieve information, since this is usually done in a hurry and interaction possibilities with mobile devices are limited. In this paper we describe a methodology using word sense discrimination to discover term evolution. We present two mobile interfaces for easy access and exploration of this evolution, as well as a user-study to show its usefulness. We conclude the paper with an outlook of further research possibilities in this new topic.}, added-at = {2013-05-30T15:45:31.000+0200}, author = {Zenz, Gideon and Tahmasebi, Nina and Risse, Thomas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2afe5fea429ecb083327250eda7f40932/tahmasebi}, doi = {10.1007/s11042-011-0973-0}, interhash = {9beaa66e44d91cdd11dc185970b67036}, intrahash = {afe5fea429ecb083327250eda7f40932}, issn = {1380-7501}, journal = {Multimedia Tools and Applications}, keywords = {MTAP2012 SAME myown}, language = {English}, pages = {147-159}, publisher = {Springer US}, timestamp = {2014-01-22T09:39:01.000+0100}, title = {Towards mobile language evolution exploitation}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11042-011-0973-0}, volume = 66, year = 2012 }