%0 Journal Article %1 Baribaud2001 %A Baribaud, F %A Pohlmann, S %A Sparwasser, T %A Kimata, M T %A Choi, Y K %A Haggarty, B S %A Ahmad, N %A Macfarlan, T %A Edwards, T G %A Leslie, G J %A Arnason, J %A Reinhart, T A %A Kimata, J T %A Littman, D R %A Hoxie, J A %A Doms, R W %D 2001 %E Virol, J %J J Virol %K sparwasser %N 21 %P 10281-10289 %T Functional and antigenic characterization of human, rhesus macaque, pigtailed macaque, and murine DC-SIGN %V 75