%0 Journal Article %1 siddhartavirucidal %A Siddharta, A %A Pfaender, S %A Vielle, N J %A Dijkman, R %A Friesland, M %A Becker, B %A Yang, J %A Engelmann, M %A Todt, D %A Windisch, M P %A Brill, F H %A Steinmann, J %A Steinmann, J %A Becker, S %A Alves, M P %A Pietschmann, T %A Eickmann, M %A Thiel, V %A Steinmann, E %D 2017 %E Dis, J Infect %J J Infect Dis %K pietschmann %N 6 %P 902-906 %T Virucidal activity of WHO-recommended formulations against enveloped viruses including Zika, Ebola and emerging Coronaviruses %V 215