bookmarks  172


    The pack­age pro­vides sev­eral macros to ad­just boxed con­tent. One pur­pose is to sup­ple­ment the stan­dard graph­ics pack­age, which de­fines the macros \re­size­box, \scale­box and \ro­tate­box , with the macros\trim­box and \clip­box. The main fea­ture is the gen­eral \ad­just­box macro which ex­tends the “key=value” in­ter­face of \in­clude­graph­ics from the graph­ics pack­age and ap­plies it to gen­eral text con­tent. Ad­di­tional pro­vided box macros are \lap­box, \margin­box, \min­size­box, \max­size­box and \phan­tombox. All macros use the col­lect­box pack­age to read the con­tent as a box and not as a macro ar­gu­ment. This al­lows for all forms of con­tent in­clud­ing spe­cial ma­te­rial like ver­ba­tim con­tent. A spe­cial fea­ture of col­lect­box is used to pro­vide match­ing en­vi­ron­ments with the iden­ti­cal names as the macros.
    10 years ago by @thorade

    The pack­age en­able the user to type­set pro­grams (pro­gram­ming code) within LaTeX. The source code is read di­rectly by TeX. Key­words, com­ments and strings can be type­set us­ing dif­fer­ent styles (de­fault is bold for key­words, italic for com­ments and no spe­cial style for strings). In­cludes sup­port for hy­per­ref. To use, sim­ply \usep­a­ck­age{list­ings}, iden­tify the lan­guage with \lst­set{lan­guage=Python}, then em­ploy the \be­gin{lstlist­ing} ... \end{lstlist­ing} en­vi­ron­ment or the \lstin­put­list­ing{file­} com­mand. Short (in-line) list­ings are also avail­able, us­ing ei­ther \lstin­line|...| or | ... | (af­ter defin­ing the | to­ken with the \lstMakeShortIn­line com­mand).
    10 years ago by @thorade

    The pack­age that fa­cil­i­tates ex­pres­sive syn­tax high­light­ing in LaTeX us­ing the pow­er­ful Pyg­ments li­brary. The pack­age also pro­vides op­tions to cus­tomize the high­lighted source code out­put us­ing fan­cyvrb.
    10 years ago by @thorade

    Remmina is a remote desktop client written in GTK+, aiming to be useful for system administrators and travellers, who need to work with lots of remote computers in front of either large monitors or tiny netbooks. Remmina supports multiple network protocols in an integrated and consistent user interface. Currently RDP, VNC, NX, XDMCP and SSH are supported. Remmina is released in separated source packages: "remmina", the main GTK+ application "remmina-plugins", a set of plugins Remmina is free and open-source software, released under GNU GPL license.
    11 years ago by @thorade

    RStudio is a free and open source integrated development environment for R. You can run it on your desktop (Windows, Mac, or Linux) or even over the web using RStudio Server.
    11 years ago by @thorade

    Welcome to Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! If you're reading this, chances are you want to learn Haskell. Well, you've come to the right place, but let's talk about this tutorial a bit first. I decided to write this because I wanted to solidify my own knowledge of Haskell and because I thought I could help people new to Haskell learn it from my perspective. There are quite a few tutorials on Haskell floating around on the internet. When I was starting out in Haskell, I didn't learn from just one resource. The way I learned it was by reading several different tutorials and articles because each explained something in a different way than the other did. By going through several resources, I was able put together the pieces and it all just came falling into place. So this is an attempt at adding another useful resource for learning Haskell so you have a bigger chance of finding one you like. This tutorial is aimed at people who have experience in imperative programming languages (C, C++, Java, Python …) but haven't programmed in a functional language before (Haskell, ML, OCaml …). Although I bet that even if you don't have any significant programming experience, a smart person such as yourself will be able to follow along and learn Haskell. The channel #haskell on the freenode network is a great place to ask questions if you're feeling stuck. People there are extremely nice, patient and understanding to newbies. I failed to learn Haskell approximately 2 times before finally grasping it because it all just seemed too weird to me and I didn't get it. But then once it just "clicked" and after getting over that initial hurdle, it was pretty much smooth sailing. I guess what I'm trying to say is: Haskell is great and if you're interested in programming you should really learn it even if it seems weird at first. Learning Haskell is much like learning to program for the first time — it's fun! It forces you to think differently, which brings us to the next section …
    11 years ago by @thorade

    Presents original and review papers on all aspects of numerical algorithms Coverage includes new algorithms, theoretical results, implementation, numerical stability, complexity, parallel computing, subroutines and applications Also provides book reviews and announcements of scientific meetings The journal Numerical Algorithms presents original and review papers on all aspects of numerical algorithms: new algorithms, theoretical results, implementation, numerical stability, complexity, parallel computing, subroutines and applications. Papers on computer algebra related to obtaining numerical results also included. The journal offers high quality papers containing material not published elsewhere. The journal also provides book reviews and announcements of scientific meetings.
    12 years ago by @thorade

    CoolProp is an open-source, free property database that includes pure fluids, pseudo-pure fluids, and humid air properties. It is designed to be trivially simple to use from the Python programming language, and possible to use from other languages as well.
    12 years ago by @thorade

    The package enables the user to use beamer style operations on a canvas of the sizes provided by a0poster; font scaling is available (using packages such as type1cm if necessary). In addition, the package allows the user to benefit from the nice colour box handling and alignment provided by the beamer class (for example, with rounded corners and shadows). Good looking posters may be created very rapidly. Features include: scalable fonts using the fp and type1cm packages; posters in A-series sizes, and custom sizes like double A0 are possible; still applicable to custom beamer slides, e.g. 16:9 slides for a wide-screen (i.e. 1.78 aspect ratio); orientation may be portrait or landscape; a ‘debug mode’ is provided.
    12 years ago by @thorade

    Systems modeling and simulation tool. Experiment and optimize from concept to production. Accurately simulate and analyze before making decisions. Mathematica-based.
    12 years ago by @thorade

publications  27