@article{mauder2018significance, added-at = {2019-01-21T22:13:20.000+0100}, author = {Mauder, M and Ntoutsi, E and Kr{\"o}ger, P and Mayr, C and Toncala, A and H{\"o}lzl, S and Grupe, G}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/25986b1eefabd3537bbc63194b232d2c1/entoutsi}, interhash = {184c3f24ff53133a4a18ac8662eeec92}, intrahash = {5986b1eefabd3537bbc63194b232d2c1}, journal = {Archaeometry}, keywords = {2019 bioarchaelogy e-science myown}, number = 1, pages = {194-210}, publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, timestamp = {2020-04-11T18:39:11.000+0200}, title = {Significance and Limitations of Stable Oxygen Isotope Ratios in the Apatite Phosphate of Archaeological Vertebrate Finds for Provenance Analysis in an Alpine Reference Region}, volume = 61, year = 2019 }