@inproceedings{conf/www/SiehndelKHH13, added-at = {2018-11-06T00:00:00.000+0100}, author = {Siehndel, Patrick and Kawase, Ricardo and Hadgu, Asmelash Teka and Herder, Eelco}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/29f9faa5310717de9f1c87aa0216cbcbf/dblp}, booktitle = {WWW (Companion Volume)}, crossref = {conf/www/2013c}, editor = {Carr, Leslie and Laender, Alberto H. F. and Lóscio, Bernadette Farias and King, Irwin and Fontoura, Marcus and Vrandecic, Denny and Aroyo, Lora and de Oliveira, José Palazzo M. and Lima, Fernanda and Wilde, Erik}, ee = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2487788.2487957}, interhash = {2a9f3f0e4c371465cdf37cbce8d06ec9}, intrahash = {9f9faa5310717de9f1c87aa0216cbcbf}, isbn = {978-1-4503-2038-2}, keywords = {dblp}, pages = {425-430}, publisher = {International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee / ACM}, timestamp = {2018-11-07T15:48:25.000+0100}, title = {Finding relevant missing references in learning courses.}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/www/www2013c.html#SiehndelKHH13}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{Siehndel:2013:FRM:2487788.2487957, abstract = {Reference sites play an increasingly important role in learning processes. Teachers use these sites in order to identify topics that should be covered by a course or a lecture. Learners visit online encyclopedias and dictionaries to find alternative explanations of concepts, to learn more about a topic, or to better understand the context of a concept. Ideally, a course or lecture should cover all key concepts of the topic that it encompasses, but often time constraints prevent complete coverage. In this paper, we propose an approach to identify missing references and key concepts in a corpus of educational lectures. For this purpose, we link concepts in educational material to the organizational and linking structure of Wikipedia. Identifying missing resources enables learners to improve their understanding of a topic, and allows teachers to investigate whether their learning material covers all necessary concepts.}, acmid = {2487957}, added-at = {2014-12-24T13:13:28.000+0100}, address = {Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland}, author = {Siehndel, Patrick and Kawase, Ricardo and Hadgu, Asmelash Teka and Herder, Eelco}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2ba37bbce5ad20fb065a051c3b6a0949b/asmelash}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22Nd International Conference on World Wide Web Companion}, description = {Finding relevant missing references in learning courses}, interhash = {2a9f3f0e4c371465cdf37cbce8d06ec9}, intrahash = {ba37bbce5ad20fb065a051c3b6a0949b}, isbn = {978-1-4503-2038-2}, keywords = {education myown references wikipedia}, location = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, numpages = {6}, pages = {425--430}, publisher = {International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee}, series = {WWW '13 Companion}, timestamp = {2017-02-08T17:18:49.000+0100}, title = {Finding Relevant Missing References in Learning Courses}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2487788.2487957}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{conf/www/SiehndelKHH13, added-at = {2014-04-23T14:14:56.000+0200}, author = {Siehndel, Patrick and Kawase, Ricardo and Hadgu, Asmelash Teka and Herder, Eelco}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/29f9faa5310717de9f1c87aa0216cbcbf/patricksiehndel}, booktitle = {WWW (Companion Volume)}, crossref = {conf/www/2013c}, editor = {Carr, Leslie and Laender, Alberto H. F. and Lóscio, Bernadette Farias and King, Irwin and Fontoura, Marcus and Vrandecic, Denny and Aroyo, Lora and de Oliveira, José Palazzo M. and Lima, Fernanda and Wilde, Erik}, ee = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2487957}, interhash = {2a9f3f0e4c371465cdf37cbce8d06ec9}, intrahash = {9f9faa5310717de9f1c87aa0216cbcbf}, isbn = {978-1-4503-2038-2}, keywords = {myown}, pages = {425-430}, publisher = {International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee / ACM}, timestamp = {2014-04-23T14:14:56.000+0200}, title = {Finding relevant missing references in learning courses.}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/www/www2013c.html#SiehndelKHH13}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{Siehndel:2013:FRM:2487788.2487957, abstract = {Reference sites play an increasingly important role in learning processes. Teachers use these sites in order to identify topics that should be covered by a course or a lecture. Learners visit online encyclopedias and dictionaries to find alternative explanations of concepts, to learn more about a topic, or to better understand the context of a concept. Ideally, a course or lecture should cover all key concepts of the topic that it encompasses, but often time constraints prevent complete coverage. In this paper, we propose an approach to identify missing references and key concepts in a corpus of educational lectures. For this purpose, we link concepts in educational material to the organizational and linking structure of Wikipedia. Identifying missing resources enables learners to improve their understanding of a topic, and allows teachers to investigate whether their learning material covers all necessary concepts.}, acmid = {2487957}, added-at = {2013-11-29T13:50:36.000+0100}, address = {Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland}, author = {Siehndel, Patrick and Kawase, Ricardo and Hadgu, Asmelash Teka and Herder, Eelco}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2e062c47b2dace2c9068435294461eec4/kawase}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web companion}, description = {Finding relevant missing references in learning courses}, interhash = {2a9f3f0e4c371465cdf37cbce8d06ec9}, intrahash = {e062c47b2dace2c9068435294461eec4}, isbn = {978-1-4503-2038-2}, keywords = {myown}, location = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, numpages = {6}, pages = {425--430}, publisher = {International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee}, series = {WWW '13 Companion}, timestamp = {2013-11-29T13:50:36.000+0100}, title = {Finding relevant missing references in learning courses}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2487788.2487957}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{Siehndel:2013:FRM:2487788.2487957, abstract = {Reference sites play an increasingly important role in learning processes. Teachers use these sites in order to identify topics that should be covered by a course or a lecture. Learners visit online encyclopedias and dictionaries to find alternative explanations of concepts, to learn more about a topic, or to better understand the context of a concept. Ideally, a course or lecture should cover all key concepts of the topic that it encompasses, but often time constraints prevent complete coverage. In this paper, we propose an approach to identify missing references and key concepts in a corpus of educational lectures. For this purpose, we link concepts in educational material to the organizational and linking structure of Wikipedia. Identifying missing resources enables learners to improve their understanding of a topic, and allows teachers to investigate whether their learning material covers all necessary concepts.}, acmid = {2487957}, added-at = {2013-10-10T15:47:19.000+0200}, address = {Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland}, author = {Siehndel, Patrick and Kawase, Ricardo and Hadgu, Asmelash Teka and Herder, Eelco}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2e062c47b2dace2c9068435294461eec4/eelcoherder}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web companion}, description = {Finding relevant missing references in learning courses}, interhash = {2a9f3f0e4c371465cdf37cbce8d06ec9}, intrahash = {e062c47b2dace2c9068435294461eec4}, isbn = {978-1-4503-2038-2}, keywords = {data education linked myown wikipedia}, location = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, numpages = {6}, pages = {425--430}, publisher = {International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee}, series = {WWW '13 Companion}, timestamp = {2013-10-10T15:47:19.000+0200}, title = {Finding relevant missing references in learning courses}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2487788.2487957}, year = 2013 }