@article{paulsen2021children, added-at = {2022-02-24T11:06:51.000+0100}, author = {Paulsen, Mira and Zychlinsky Scharff, Anna and ... and Illig, Thomas and Klopp, Norman and Kopfnagel, Verena and Prokein, Jana and ... and Memaran, Nima and Melk, Anette and von 28 Autoren, 8}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2fd8d543a782d3fdedf926ac05be14a35/illig}, editor = {of adolescent health, The Journal}, interhash = {467f0524cc454c2175a1e256b39dbf31}, intrahash = {fd8d543a782d3fdedf926ac05be14a35}, issn = {ISSN 1879-1972}, keywords = {myown}, timestamp = {2022-02-24T11:06:51.000+0100}, title = {Children and Adolescents' Behavioral Patterns in Response to Escalating COVID-19 Restriction Reveal Sex and Age Differences.}, year = 2021 }