@inproceedings{spindeldreier2018fpga, added-at = {2019-01-17T12:32:43.000+0100}, author = {Spindeldreier, Christian and Bartosch, Wolfgang and Wendrich, Thijs and Rasel, Ernst M and Ertmer, Wolfgang and Blume, Holger}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2bc200581ad6b1bcbae2d421ea995d8ff/imsl3s}, booktitle = {Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XX}, interhash = {4ed4f2263210b5c1fb89fd15a4a5f7b7}, intrahash = {bc200581ad6b1bcbae2d421ea995d8ff}, keywords = {2018 myown}, organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, pages = 1051813, timestamp = {2019-02-07T09:48:42.000+0100}, title = {FPGA based laser frequency stabilization using FM spectroscopy}, volume = 10518, year = 2018 }