@article{gadiraju2015human, added-at = {2015-11-04T16:29:58.000+0100}, author = {Gadiraju, Ujwal and Demartini, Gianluca and Kawase, Ricardo and Dietze, Stefan}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/22820320c319e5e3845f28b8e9db078e0/dietze}, interhash = {78d03d8d2f478d5bacecee7519966894}, intrahash = {2820320c319e5e3845f28b8e9db078e0}, journal = {Intelligent Systems, IEEE}, keywords = {afel l3s linkedup myown}, number = 4, pages = {81--85}, publisher = {IEEE}, timestamp = {2015-12-07T20:12:36.000+0100}, title = {Human Beyond the Machine: Challenges and Opportunities of Microtask Crowdsourcing}, volume = 30, year = 2015 } @article{gadiraju2015human, added-at = {2015-07-23T10:57:10.000+0200}, author = {Gadiraju, Ujwal and Demartini, Gianluca and Kawase, Ricardo and Dietze, Stefan}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/22820320c319e5e3845f28b8e9db078e0/ujwal}, interhash = {78d03d8d2f478d5bacecee7519966894}, intrahash = {2820320c319e5e3845f28b8e9db078e0}, journal = {Intelligent Systems, IEEE}, keywords = {activity crowdsourcing effectiveness human-computation malicious microtasks myown taxonomy workers}, number = 4, pages = {81--85}, publisher = {IEEE}, timestamp = {2015-07-23T10:57:10.000+0200}, title = {Human Beyond the Machine: Challenges and Opportunities of Microtask Crowdsourcing}, volume = 30, year = 2015 }