@proceedings{crockett2018ijcci, added-at = {2019-02-03T12:15:22.000+0100}, author = {Crockett, Keeley and Stoklas, Jonathan and O'Shea, James and Krügel, Tina and Khan, Wasiq}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/23d353fed0261d132bd78eaddb0b54843/tkruegel}, editor = {and Christophe Sabourin and Merelo, Juan Julian and Barranco, Alejandro Linares and Madani, Kurosh and Warwick, Kevin}, interhash = {98edf6b550f2ce752623e435f6709108}, intrahash = {3d353fed0261d132bd78eaddb0b54843}, isbn = {978-989-758-327-8}, keywords = {artificial-intelligence computational-intelligence dataprotection datenschutz profiling}, language = {en}, month = {September}, publisher = {SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.}, timestamp = {2019-02-03T12:15:22.000+0100}, title = {IJCCI 2018 Proceedings: Adapted Psychological Profiling Verses the Right to an Explainable Decision}, year = 2018 }