@incollection{heino-n-2009-61-a, abstract = {In this paper, we introduce the OntoWiki Application Framework for developing Semantic Web applications with a strong emphasis on collaboration. After presenting OntoWiki as our main show case for the framework, we give both an architectural overview and a detailed view on the included components.We conclude this paper with a presentation of different use cases where the framework was strongly involved.}, added-at = {2024-06-18T09:44:52.000+0200}, address = {Berlin / Heidelberg}, author = {Heino, Norman and Dietzold, Sebastian and Martin, Michael and Auer, S{\"o}ren}, bdsk-url-1 = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/0j7673v3012p7156/}, bdsk-url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02184-8_5}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2ac6da330f773c59af29550332d2543e7/aksw}, booktitle = {Networked Knowledge - Networked Media}, doi = {doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02184-8_5}, editor = {Pellegrini, Tassilo and Auer, S{\"o}ren and Tochtermann, Klaus and Schaffert, Sebastian}, interhash = {be0e7d18d1cf75f852a672d4af753bf6}, intrahash = {ac6da330f773c59af29550332d2543e7}, keywords = {2009 auer erfurt group_aksw heino martin ontowiki ontowiki_eu seebiproject_OntoWiki tramp}, owner = {seebi}, pages = {61--77}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Studies in Computational Intelligence}, timestamp = {2024-06-18T09:44:52.000+0200}, title = {Developing Semantic Web Applications with the OntoWiki Framework}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/0j7673v3012p7156/}, volume = 221, year = 2009 } @incollection{heino-n-2009-61-a, abstract = {In this paper, we introduce the OntoWiki Application Framework for developing Semantic Web applications with a strong emphasis on collaboration. After presenting OntoWiki as our main show case for the framework, we give both an architectural overview and a detailed view on the included components.We conclude this paper with a presentation of different use cases where the framework was strongly involved.}, added-at = {2023-04-25T16:34:40.000+0200}, address = {Berlin / Heidelberg}, author = {Heino, Norman and Dietzold, Sebastian and Martin, Michael and Auer, S{\"o}ren}, bdsk-url-1 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02184-8\_5}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2ac6da330f773c59af29550332d2543e7/dice-research}, booktitle = {Networked Knowledge - Networked Media}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-02184-8_5}, editor = {Pellegrini, Tassilo and Auer, S{\"o}ren and Tochtermann, Klaus and Schaffert, Sebastian}, interhash = {be0e7d18d1cf75f852a672d4af753bf6}, intrahash = {ac6da330f773c59af29550332d2543e7}, keywords = {2009 auer erfurt group\_aksw heino martin ontowiki ontowiki\_eu seebiproject\_OntoWiki tramp}, owner = {seebi}, pages = {61--77}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Studies in Computational Intelligence}, timestamp = {2023-04-25T16:34:40.000+0200}, title = {Developing Semantic Web Applications with the OntoWiki Framework}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/0j7673v3012p7156/}, volume = 221, year = 2009 } @incollection{DBLP:series/sci/HeinoDMA09, added-at = {2021-02-19T12:10:28.000+0100}, author = {Heino, Norman and Dietzold, Sebastian and Martin, Michael and Auer, S{\"{o}}ren}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2260b96702ef42aaadeb4a2b85dc3a24e/soeren}, booktitle = {Networked Knowledge - Networked Media - Integrating Knowledge Management, New Media Technologies and Semantic Systems}, crossref = {DBLP:series/sci/2009-221}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-02184-8\_5}, editor = {Pellegrini, Tassilo and Auer, S{\"{o}}ren and Tochtermann, Klaus and Schaffert, Sebastian}, interhash = {be0e7d18d1cf75f852a672d4af753bf6}, intrahash = {260b96702ef42aaadeb4a2b85dc3a24e}, isbn = {978-3-642-02183-1}, keywords = {imported myown}, pages = {61--77}, series = {Studies in Computational Intelligence}, timestamp = {2021-02-19T12:10:28.000+0100}, title = {Developing Semantic Web Applications with the OntoWiki Framework}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02184-8\_5}, volume = 221, year = 2009 } @incollection{heino-n-2009-61-a, abstract = {In this paper, we introduce the OntoWiki Application Framework for developing Semantic Web applications with a strong emphasis on collaboration. After presenting OntoWiki as our main show case for the framework, we give both an architectural overview and a detailed view on the included components.We conclude this paper with a presentation of different use cases where the framework was strongly involved.}, added-at = {2017-01-27T23:28:47.000+0100}, address = {Berlin / Heidelberg}, author = {Heino, Norman and Dietzold, Sebastian and Martin, Michael and Auer, S{\"o}ren}, bdsk-url-1 = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/0j7673v3012p7156/}, bdsk-url-2 = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02184-8_5}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2ac6da330f773c59af29550332d2543e7/soeren}, booktitle = {Networked Knowledge - Networked Media}, doi = {doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02184-8_5}, editor = {Pellegrini, Tassilo and Auer, S{\"o}ren and Tochtermann, Klaus and Schaffert, Sebastian}, interhash = {be0e7d18d1cf75f852a672d4af753bf6}, intrahash = {ac6da330f773c59af29550332d2543e7}, keywords = {2009 auer erfurt group_aksw heino martin ontowiki ontowiki_eu seebiproject_OntoWiki tramp}, owner = {seebi}, pages = {61--77}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Studies in Computational Intelligence}, timestamp = {2017-01-27T23:30:12.000+0100}, title = {Developing Semantic Web Applications with the OntoWiki Framework}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/0j7673v3012p7156/}, volume = 221, year = 2009 }