@article{corinna2021stakeholder, added-at = {2022-02-23T12:22:20.000+0100}, author = {Corinna, Klingler and Magdaléna, von Jagwitz-Biegnitz and Ronny, Baber and Karl-Friedrich, Becker and Edgar, Dahl and Cornelius, Eibner and Jörg, Fuchs and Maike K., Groenewold and Mara Lena, Hartung and Michael, Hummel and Roland, Jahns and Romy, Kirsten and Verena, Kopfnagel and Regina, Maushagen and Sara Yasemin, Nussbeck and Anne, Schoneberg and Theresa, Winter and Cornelia, Specht}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/29e826b90b14875bccfb7ad16ce58288d/illig}, editor = {of Human Genetics, European Journal}, interhash = {fd159dea5be9a130a0c4b14d6b437565}, intrahash = {9e826b90b14875bccfb7ad16ce58288d}, keywords = {myown}, timestamp = {2022-02-23T12:22:20.000+0100}, title = {Stakeholder engagement to ensure the sustainability of biobanks: a survey of potential users of biobank services}, year = 2021 }