@inproceedings{conf/semweb/EndrisFOAS15a, added-at = {2023-03-10T00:00:00.000+0100}, author = {Endris, Kemele M. and Faisal, Sidra and Orlandi, Fabrizio and Auer, Sören and Scerri, Simon}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2591ae2ad06a0dafe939a3f476ece7076/dblp}, booktitle = {ISWC (Posters & Demos)}, crossref = {conf/semweb/2015p}, editor = {Villata, Serena and Pan, Jeff Z. and Dragoni, Mauro}, ee = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1486/paper_124.pdf}, interhash = {2eb76b0393699d5e53a1ec71557fead1}, intrahash = {591ae2ad06a0dafe939a3f476ece7076}, keywords = {dblp}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, timestamp = {2024-04-09T11:33:50.000+0200}, title = {iRap - an Interest-Based RDF Update Propagation Framework.}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/semweb/iswc2015p.html#EndrisFOAS15a}, volume = 1486, year = 2015 } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/semweb/EndrisFOAS15a, added-at = {2021-02-19T12:10:28.000+0100}, author = {Endris, Kemele M. and Faisal, Sidra and Orlandi, Fabrizio and Auer, S{\"{o}}ren and Scerri, Simon}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/20c2518f0099c7cc2102b5cb9f933b980/soeren}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ISWC} 2015 Posters {\&} Demonstrations Track co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2015), Bethlehem, PA, USA, October 11, 2015}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/semweb/2015p}, editor = {Villata, Serena and Pan, Jeff Z. and Dragoni, Mauro}, interhash = {2eb76b0393699d5e53a1ec71557fead1}, intrahash = {0c2518f0099c7cc2102b5cb9f933b980}, keywords = {imported myown}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings}, timestamp = {2021-02-19T12:10:28.000+0100}, title = {iRap - an Interest-Based {RDF} Update Propagation Framework}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1486/paper\_124.pdf}, urn = {urn:nbn:de:0074-1486-1}, volume = 1486, year = 2015 } @inproceedings{endris2015irap, added-at = {2017-10-03T16:41:28.000+0200}, author = {Endris, Kemele M and Faisal, Sidra and Orlandi, Fabrizio and Auer, S{\"o}ren and Scerri, Simon}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2d6edb10e17235b9a439d6d12abbb21c1/endris}, interhash = {2eb76b0393699d5e53a1ec71557fead1}, intrahash = {d6edb10e17235b9a439d6d12abbb21c1}, keywords = {myown}, organization = {ISWC-Poster}, pubs = {orlandi, auer, scerri}, timestamp = {2017-10-03T16:41:28.000+0200}, title = {iRAP-an interest-based RDF update propagation framework}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1486/paper_124.pdf}, year = 2015 } @inproceedings{endris2015irap, added-at = {2017-01-27T23:28:47.000+0100}, author = {Endris, Kemele M and Faisal, Sidra and Orlandi, Fabrizio and Auer, S{\"o}ren and Scerri, Simon}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2d6edb10e17235b9a439d6d12abbb21c1/soeren}, interhash = {2eb76b0393699d5e53a1ec71557fead1}, intrahash = {d6edb10e17235b9a439d6d12abbb21c1}, keywords = {imported}, organization = {ISWC-Poster}, pubs = {orlandi, auer, scerri}, timestamp = {2017-01-27T23:30:12.000+0100}, title = {iRAP-an interest-based RDF update propagation framework}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1486/paper_124.pdf}, year = 2015 }