@incollection{singer2014folksonomies, added-at = {2021-03-10T12:49:31.000+0100}, author = {Singer, Philipp and Niebler, Thomas and Hotho, Andreas and Strohmaier, Markus}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/284d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d/filipkantura}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining}, interhash = {3a55606e91328ca0191127b1fafe189e}, intrahash = {84d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d}, keywords = {folksonomies tagging}, pages = {542--547}, publisher = {Springer}, timestamp = {2021-03-10T12:49:31.000+0100}, title = {Folksonomies}, year = 2014 } @incollection{singer2014folksonomies, added-at = {2017-07-10T21:01:02.000+0200}, author = {Singer, Philipp and Niebler, Thomas and Hotho, Andreas and Strohmaier, Markus}, author+an = {2=highlight}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/284d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d/thoni}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining}, interhash = {3a55606e91328ca0191127b1fafe189e}, intrahash = {84d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d}, keywords = {characterization folksonomy myown posts published}, pages = {542--547}, publisher = {Springer}, timestamp = {2018-12-29T12:27:07.000+0100}, title = {Folksonomies}, year = 2014 } @incollection{singer2014folksonomies, added-at = {2015-11-12T15:15:10.000+0100}, author = {Singer, Philipp and Niebler, Thomas and Hotho, Andreas and Strohmaier, Markus}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/284d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d/dmir}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining}, interhash = {3a55606e91328ca0191127b1fafe189e}, intrahash = {84d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d}, keywords = {2014 characterization folksonomy from:hotho myown posts postsi semantic}, pages = {542--547}, publisher = {Springer}, timestamp = {2024-01-18T10:31:52.000+0100}, title = {Folksonomies}, year = 2014 } @incollection{singer2014folksonomies, added-at = {2015-10-14T11:40:23.000+0200}, author = {Singer, Philipp and Niebler, Thomas and Hotho, Andreas and Strohmaier, Markus}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/284d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d/kde-alumni}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining}, interhash = {3a55606e91328ca0191127b1fafe189e}, intrahash = {84d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d}, keywords = {2014 characterization folksonomy myown}, pages = {542--547}, publisher = {Springer}, timestamp = {2015-10-14T11:40:23.000+0200}, title = {Folksonomies}, year = 2014 } @incollection{singer2014folksonomies, added-at = {2015-07-24T18:09:42.000+0200}, author = {Singer, Philipp and Niebler, Thomas and Hotho, Andreas and Strohmaier, Markus}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/284d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d/hotho}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining}, interhash = {3a55606e91328ca0191127b1fafe189e}, intrahash = {84d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d}, keywords = {2014 characterization folksonomy myown}, pages = {542--547}, publisher = {Springer}, timestamp = {2015-11-12T15:14:41.000+0100}, title = {Folksonomies}, year = 2014 } @incollection{singer2014folksonomies, added-at = {2015-07-10T05:02:02.000+0200}, author = {Singer, Philipp and Niebler, Thomas and Hotho, Andreas and Strohmaier, Markus}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/284d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d/hangdong}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining}, interhash = {3a55606e91328ca0191127b1fafe189e}, intrahash = {84d9498b73de976d8d550c6761d4be0d}, keywords = {definition encyclopedia folksonomy}, pages = {542--547}, publisher = {Springer}, timestamp = {2015-07-10T05:02:02.000+0200}, title = {Folksonomies}, year = 2014 }