@book{loreto2017participatory, added-at = {2016-12-05T13:34:53.000+0100}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/24dca15ffae60fc62e68ab32e6fa2cc1b/dmir}, description = {Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness (Understanding Complex Systems) eBook: Vittorio Loreto, Muki Haklay, Andreas Hotho, Vito D.P. Servedio, Gerd Stumme, Jan Theunis, Francesca Tria:}, editor = {Loreto, Vittorio and Haklay, Mordechai and Hotho, Andreas and Servedio, Vito C. P. and Stumme, Gerd and Theunis, Jan and Tria, Francesca}, interhash = {8be5aba0c0784df0e71c1f647991f461}, intrahash = {4dca15ffae60fc62e68ab32e6fa2cc1b}, isbn = {9783319256580 3319256580}, keywords = {environmental environmental:selected everyaware myown participatory sensing}, publisher = {Springer}, refid = {949922354}, timestamp = {2024-01-18T10:31:52.000+0100}, title = {Participatory sensing, opinions and collective awareness}, year = 2017 } @book{loreto2017participatory, added-at = {2016-12-02T14:54:12.000+0100}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/24dca15ffae60fc62e68ab32e6fa2cc1b/hotho}, description = {Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness (Understanding Complex Systems) eBook: Vittorio Loreto, Muki Haklay, Andreas Hotho, Vito D.P. Servedio, Gerd Stumme, Jan Theunis, Francesca Tria:}, editor = {Loreto, Vittorio and Haklay, Mordechai and Hotho, Andreas and Servedio, Vito C. P. and Stumme, Gerd and Theunis, Jan and Tria, Francesca}, interhash = {8be5aba0c0784df0e71c1f647991f461}, intrahash = {4dca15ffae60fc62e68ab32e6fa2cc1b}, isbn = {9783319256580 3319256580}, keywords = {2017 everyaware myown participatory sensing}, publisher = {Springer}, refid = {949922354}, timestamp = {2016-12-02T14:54:12.000+0100}, title = {Participatory sensing, opinions and collective awareness}, year = 2017 } @book{loreto2017participatory, added-at = {2016-12-02T14:26:15.000+0100}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/24dca15ffae60fc62e68ab32e6fa2cc1b/stumme}, description = {Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness (Understanding Complex Systems) eBook: Vittorio Loreto, Muki Haklay, Andreas Hotho, Vito D.P. Servedio, Gerd Stumme, Jan Theunis, Francesca Tria:}, editor = {Loreto, Vittorio and Haklay, Mordechai and Hotho, Andreas and Servedio, Vito C. P. and Stumme, Gerd and Theunis, Jan and Tria, Francesca}, interhash = {8be5aba0c0784df0e71c1f647991f461}, intrahash = {4dca15ffae60fc62e68ab32e6fa2cc1b}, isbn = {9783319256580 3319256580}, keywords = {myown}, publisher = {Springer}, refid = {949922354}, timestamp = {2016-12-02T14:26:15.000+0100}, title = {Participatory sensing, opinions and collective awareness}, year = 2017 }