@article{1742-6596-363-1-012043, abstract = {We derive two different methods to compute the minimal required integration time of a fully coherent follow-up of candidates produced in wide parameter space semi-coherent searches, such as global correlation StackSlide searches using Einstein@Home. We numerically compare these methods in terms of integration duration and computing cost. In a Monte Carlo study we confirm that we can achieve the required detection probability.}, added-at = {2014-09-03T11:06:31.000+0200}, author = {Shaltev, Miroslav}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/229c83ac1f69c2515e74b8e29ed1cf11e/mirsha}, interhash = {a1d6a2cc4d7e58d0da85bc3de9f0d3d8}, intrahash = {29c83ac1f69c2515e74b8e29ed1cf11e}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, keywords = {continuous gravitational minimal myown observation required searches time wave}, number = 1, pages = 012043, timestamp = {2014-09-03T11:06:31.000+0200}, title = {Coherent follow-up of Continuous Gravitational-Wave candidates: minimal required observation time}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/363/i=1/a=012043}, volume = 363, year = 2012 }