@inproceedings{noauthororeditor2015agentbased, added-at = {2016-01-18T10:16:15.000+0100}, author = {Fiosins, Maksims and Zeise, Björn and Gernert, Björn and Schildt, Sebastian and Fritsche, Paul and Manesh, Ramin and Müller, Jörg and Wagner, Bernardo and Wolf, Lars}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2148c7fd17ee8b37a5988e09aacb18a5f/fritsche_luh}, booktitle = {In Proceedings of the Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems at Scale Workshop at the International Conference on Auto Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems at Scale Workshop at the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagnet Systems (AAMAS 2015)}, interhash = {a6810523c5b8084995c2486f0c12b3bb}, intrahash = {148c7fd17ee8b37a5988e09aacb18a5f}, keywords = {2015 Distributed-computing RFF RTS information-model l3s myown robotics}, month = may, timestamp = {2016-01-18T15:17:32.000+0100}, title = {dCIM: An Agent-Based Distributed Common Information Model for Teams of Mobile Robots}, url = {http://meclab.in.tu-clausthal.de/publications/}, year = 2015 }