@article{ElekBauszat2014spectral, added-at = {2015-08-12T14:29:33.000+0200}, author = {Elek, Oskar and Bauszat, Pablo and Ritschel, Tobias and Magnor, Marcus and Seidel, Hans-Peter}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2c544260f78bf720ad4a80d49475efb6d/l3s}, booktitle = {Proc. Eurographics Conference on Rendering Techniques {(EGSR)} 2014}, interhash = {bba854e115b22e46070fe1564a8ddc3e}, intrahash = {c544260f78bf720ad4a80d49475efb6d}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering {EGSR)}}, keywords = {publication}, month = jun, note = {Received the Best Student Paper award at {EGSR} 2014}, number = 4, pages = {113--122}, timestamp = {2015-08-12T14:29:33.000+0200}, title = {Spectral Ray Differentials}, volume = 33, year = 2014 } @article{ElekBauszat2014spectral, added-at = {2015-07-28T10:56:16.000+0200}, author = {Elek, Oskar and Bauszat, Pablo and Ritschel, Tobias and Magnor, Marcus and Seidel, Hans-Peter}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2c544260f78bf720ad4a80d49475efb6d/tubsicg}, booktitle = {Proc. Eurographics Conference on Rendering Techniques {(EGSR)} 2014}, interhash = {bba854e115b22e46070fe1564a8ddc3e}, intrahash = {c544260f78bf720ad4a80d49475efb6d}, journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering {EGSR)}}, keywords = {myown}, month = jun, note = {Received the Best Student Paper award at {EGSR} 2014}, number = 4, pages = {113--122}, timestamp = {2015-08-13T12:11:00.000+0200}, title = {Spectral Ray Differentials}, volume = 33, year = 2014 }