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%0 Journal Article
%1 journals/expert/StaabHGFPFRASDT03
%A Staab, Steffen
%A Heylighen, Francis
%A Gershenson, Carlos
%A Flake, Gary William
%A Pennock, David M.
%A Fain, Daniel C.
%A Roure, David De
%A Aberer, Karl
%A Shen, Wei-Min
%A Dousse, Olivier
%A Thiran, Patrick
%D 2003
%J IEEE Intell. Syst.
%K dblp
%N 4
%P 72-86
%T Neurons, Viscose Fluids, Freshwater Polyp Hydra-and Self-Organizing Information Systems.
%V 18
added-at = {2020-10-26T00:00:00.000+0100},
author = {Staab, Steffen and Heylighen, Francis and Gershenson, Carlos and Flake, Gary William and Pennock, David M. and Fain, Daniel C. and Roure, David De and Aberer, Karl and Shen, Wei-Min and Dousse, Olivier and Thiran, Patrick},
biburl = {},
ee = {},
interhash = {0202c6bf2d27325897107abe61c63048},
intrahash = {8c3dc96d8a911d39ab75906f01b30880},
journal = {IEEE Intell. Syst.},
keywords = {dblp},
number = 4,
pages = {72-86},
timestamp = {2020-10-27T13:00:01.000+0100},
title = {Neurons, Viscose Fluids, Freshwater Polyp Hydra-and Self-Organizing Information Systems.},
url = {},
volume = 18,
year = 2003