Teil eines Buches,

Autonomous Quadrocopter for Search, Count and Localization of Objects

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This chapter describes and evaluates the design and implementation of a new fully autonomous quadrocopter, which is capable of self-reliant search, count and localization of a predefined object on the ground inside a room. In a preliminary calibration scan the parameters of the object are defined: As an example object a red ball is used. The scan determines the colour and radius of the ball. The implementation and principles of the object recognition and search will be described in detail. After determining the scanning parameters, the autonomous search can be executed. This is done autonomously by the quadrocopter, which uses inertial, infrared, ultrasonic, pressure sensors and an optical flow sensor to determine and control its orientation and position in 6 DOF (degree of freedom). Furthermore the quadrocopter can be equipped with sensors for obstacle detection and collision avoidance such as ultrasonic, infrared, pmd (photo mixing device) and sv (stereo vision) cameras. A camera attached to the quadrocopter and directed at the ground is used to find the searched objects and to determine its positions during the autonomous flight. Hence, objects which fulfil the scanning parameters can be found in different positions. Based on its own known position and the position of the object in the picture of the camera, the position of the detected objects can be determined. Thus repeated detections of objects can be excluded. Consequently, objects can be counted and localized autonomously. The position of the object is transferred to the ground station and compared with the true position to evaluate the system. Two different search situations and two different strategies, breadth first search (BFS) and depth first search (DFS), are investigated and their results are compared. The evaluation shows the potential, constraints and drawbacks of this approach just as the effect of the search strategy, and the most important parameters and indicators such as field of view, masking area and minimal object distance as well as accuracy, performance and completeness of the search. The entire system is composed of low-cost components and constructed from scratch. Its integration in the innovative real-time operating system Rodos developed by the German Aerospace Centre is described in detail. Rodos has been developed for embedded systems such as satellites and comparable aerospace systems.



  • @chreul

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