
Web Video Geolocation by Geotagged Social Resources

, , , , , und .
Transactions on Multimedia, 14 (2): 456--470 (April 2012)
DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2011.2172937


This paper considers the problem of web video geolocation: we hope to determine where on the Earth a web video was taken. By analyzing a 6.5-million geotagged web video dataset, we observe that there exist inherent geography intimacies between a video with its relevant videos (related videos and same-author videos). This social relationship supplies a direct and effective cue to locate the video to a particular region on the earth. Based on this observation, we propose an effective web video geolocation algorithm by propagating geotags among the web video social relationship graph. For the video that have no geotagged relevant videos, we aim to collect those geotagged relevant images that are content similar with the video (share some visual or textual information with the video) as the cue to infer the location of the video. The experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness of both methods, with the geolocation accuracy much better than state-of-the-art approaches. Finally, an online web video geolocation system: Video2Locatoin (V2L) is developed to provide public access to our algorithm.



  • @jaeschke

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