%0 Book Section
%1 ABMMPS:16
%A Atzmueller, Martin
%A Becker, Martin
%A Molino, Andrea
%A Mueller, Juergen
%A Peters, Jan
%A Sirbu, Alina
%B Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness
%C Heidelberg, Germany
%D 2017
%E Loreto, Vittorio
%E Haklay, Muki
%E Hotho, Andreas
%E Servedio, Vito D.P.
%E Stumme, Gerd
%E Tria, Francesca
%E Theunis, Jan
%I Springer Verlag
%K 2017 analysis collective data everyaware mining myown sensing ubicon ubiquitous
%T Applications for Environmental Sensing in
%U https://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/atzmueller/paper/2016-EveryAware-Book-part_I_ch_7_Atzmueller.pdf
added-at = {2016-02-13T07:45:24.000+0100},
address = {Heidelberg, Germany},
author = {Atzmueller, Martin and Becker, Martin and Molino, Andrea and Mueller, Juergen and Peters, Jan and Sirbu, Alina},
biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2f9f37f05e489a77226d56c7076e03751/atzmueller},
booktitle = {Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness},
editor = {Loreto, Vittorio and Haklay, Muki and Hotho, Andreas and Servedio, Vito D.P. and Stumme, Gerd and Tria, Francesca and Theunis, Jan},
interhash = {1e5835a06ee907fbe47568839b7ec765},
intrahash = {f9f37f05e489a77226d56c7076e03751},
keywords = {2017 analysis collective data everyaware mining myown sensing ubicon ubiquitous},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
timestamp = {2017-02-11T22:19:30.000+0100},
title = {{Applications for Environmental Sensing in
url = {https://www.kde.cs.uni-kassel.de/atzmueller/paper/2016-EveryAware-Book-part_I_ch_7_Atzmueller.pdf},
year = 2017