
Untersuchungen zur Einführung eines Ällgemeingültigen Bibliographischen Codes (ABC)" beim Südwestdeutschen Bibliotheksverbund (SWB-Verbund)

. ABI-Technik, 11 (3): 173-190 (1991)


According to the urgent demands to insert offline catalogue data into comprehensive bibliographic data bases and to achieve a mechanic clearing of duplicate copies the SWB-Verbund has undertaken a project and publishes its results in this article. Author names and those of corporate authors, titles and other important elements of catalogue data are coded in certain rules to a General Bibliographic Code ( Allgemeingültiger Bibliographischer Code, ABC ). This code has been controlled with the data of the SWBPool as to its statements and availability. There are good results for the availability within a data pool (for example the control of duplicate copies, the pointing out of mistakes, the enrichment of records available from external data bases without duplicate copies). Nevertheless there are still problems for the assembling of different data pools


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