
A Study of Child Abuse in India: Current Issues and Prevention

. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2 (2): 1198-1202 (Februar 2018)


Child abuse is the physical or psychological maltreatment of a child, can be differentiated into four major categories, physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and worst of all the sexual abuse. Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is a kind of physical or mental violation of a child with sexual intent, usually by a person who is in a position of trust or power vis-à-vis the child. India is the second largest child population in the world, 42% of India's total population is below eighteen years. In a shocking revelation, a Government commissioned survey has found that more than 53% of Indian children are subjected to sexual abuse / assault. Majority of these cases were perpetrated by someone known to the child or in a position of trust and responsibility, Not surprisingly, most children did not report the abuse to anyone. There is not a single law aimed at safeguarding children and protecting them against sexual abuse & assault, which is a serious lacuna against this background and is needed urgently. This paper will focus on child sexual abuse, impact and solution. Dr. Geeta Yadav | Nisha Yadav | Pooja YadavÄ Study of Child Abuse in India: Current Issues and Prevention" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-2 , February 2018, URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd9657.pdf http://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/education/9657/a-study-of-child-abuse-in-india-current-issues-and-prevention/dr-geeta-yadav

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