
Comparative Study of Housing Loan Financial Conditions of SBI and HDFC Banks

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5 (3): 1033-1036 (April 2021)


Every human being wants their own house. The house is the essential unit of the general public. House gives a stage to the family and the family is the most significant social foundation, which leaves its engraving on a person for entire life. But today’s time buying the hosing is a challenging. Because it is a major expenditure. A middle class and law income group family cannot afford this expenditure. The resolve this problem government provides housing loan facility for every person at lower interest rate. Housing finance sector encourage of tax rebates here housing finance means to take a housing on loan basis in which we pay monthly installments with favorable interest rate a loan facility has been provided on the basis of people’s eligibility and the basic rules. In this time many numbers of basis and financial institution enters in housing finance sector which offer cheap loans at low interest rate and easy conditions. These are very important part of wins. The banks and financial institutions provide two types of interest rates that is fixed and floating for loan. Today banks are not only providing home loan but they also provide house improvement, extension, conversion, construction and top up loan etc. The main purpose of this study to comparison and analyze between financial conditions of SBI and HDFC banks. SBI India’s largest public sector bank and HDFC bank is largest private sector bank in India. Smt. Prem Parihar "Comparative Study of Housing Loan Financial Conditions of SBI and HDFC Banks" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-3 , April 2021, URL: Paper URL:



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