Teil eines Buches,

Solution of the bbgky hierarchy of inelastically interacting particles and its asymptotic

Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Many recent papers consider the Boltzmann-type and Boltzmann-Enskog-type equations for inelastically interacting particles as original evolution equations. We develop the approach based on the dynamics of many inelastically colliding particles. As a result we are able to justify properly the kinetic equations which previous works have already applied a priori to the description of granular gases. The dissipative character of the interaction between grains leads to some non-trivial features from mathematical point of view in the description of the corresponding dynamical system. For example, the trivial dynamics (free motion) in the Boltzmann-Grad limit for elastically interacting one-dimensional hard spheres, and nontrivial dynamics in a limit of inelastic interaction. We prove the Boltzmann-Grad limit theorem for the solutions of BBGKY hierarchy of such system. 1. C.Cercignani, V.Gerasimenko and D.Petrina. Many-Particle Dynamics and Kinetic Equations Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad./Plenum Publ. 1997, 252p.



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