The technology of hybridization to DNA arrays is used to obtain the expression levels of many different genes simultaneously. It enables searching for genes that are expressed specifically under certain conditions. However, the technology produces large amounts of data demanding computational methods for their analysis. It is necessary to find ways to compare data from different experiments and to consider the quality and reproducibility of the data.Data analyzed in this paper have been generated by hybridization of radioactively labeled targets to DNA arrays spotted on nylon membranes. We introduce methods to compare the intensity values of several hybridization experiments. This is essential to find differentially expressed genes or to do pattern analysis. We also discuss possibilities for quality control of the acquired data.
%0 Journal Article
%1 Beissbarth2000
%A Beissbarth, T.
%A Fellenberg, K.
%A Brors, B.
%A Arribas-Prat, R.
%A Boer, J.
%A Hauser, N. C.
%A Scheideler, M.
%A Hoheisel, J. D.
%A Schütz, G.
%A Poustka, A.
%A Vingron, M.
%D 2000
%J Bioinformatics
%K /&/ Analysis, Animals; Array Biology; Computational Control Data Databases, Expressed Expression Factual; Gene Interpretation, Mice; Oligonucleotide Profiling, Quality Sequence Statistical; Tags; data; numerical standards/statistics
%N 11
%P 1014--1022
%T Processing and quality control of DNA array hybridization data.
%V 16
%X The technology of hybridization to DNA arrays is used to obtain the expression levels of many different genes simultaneously. It enables searching for genes that are expressed specifically under certain conditions. However, the technology produces large amounts of data demanding computational methods for their analysis. It is necessary to find ways to compare data from different experiments and to consider the quality and reproducibility of the data.Data analyzed in this paper have been generated by hybridization of radioactively labeled targets to DNA arrays spotted on nylon membranes. We introduce methods to compare the intensity values of several hybridization experiments. This is essential to find differentially expressed genes or to do pattern analysis. We also discuss possibilities for quality control of the acquired data.
__markedentry = {[bbrors:6]},
abstract = {The technology of hybridization to DNA arrays is used to obtain the expression levels of many different genes simultaneously. It enables searching for genes that are expressed specifically under certain conditions. However, the technology produces large amounts of data demanding computational methods for their analysis. It is necessary to find ways to compare data from different experiments and to consider the quality and reproducibility of the data.Data analyzed in this paper have been generated by hybridization of radioactively labeled targets to DNA arrays spotted on nylon membranes. We introduce methods to compare the intensity values of several hybridization experiments. This is essential to find differentially expressed genes or to do pattern analysis. We also discuss possibilities for quality control of the acquired data.},
added-at = {2015-04-09T12:36:21.000+0200},
author = {Beissbarth, T. and Fellenberg, K. and Brors, B. and Arribas-Prat, R. and Boer, J. and Hauser, N. C. and Scheideler, M. and Hoheisel, J. D. and Sch{\"{u}}tz, G. and Poustka, A. and Vingron, M.},
biburl = {},
institution = {Abt. Theoretische Bioinformatik, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, INF 280, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany.},
interhash = {5b73d7c13c07717c38670cf615967f52},
intrahash = {7e1af204795f55d4290c9ce0308380a0},
journal = {Bioinformatics},
keywords = {/&/ Analysis, Animals; Array Biology; Computational Control Data Databases, Expressed Expression Factual; Gene Interpretation, Mice; Oligonucleotide Profiling, Quality Sequence Statistical; Tags; data; numerical standards/statistics},
language = {eng},
medline-pst = {ppublish},
month = Nov,
number = 11,
owner = {bbrors},
pages = {1014--1022},
pmid = {11159313},
timestamp = {2015-04-09T12:36:21.000+0200},
title = {Processing and quality control of DNA array hybridization data.},
volume = 16,
year = 2000