The use of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is progressively evident by the organising of learning and assessment methods. However, to ensure its absolute implementation in education, there is still a long way to go. This paper assesses those particularly students difficulties which pose a challenge to educational institutions. To this day, it is a fact which has not been solved. We are talking about basic necessities such as cognitive abilities for special education needs children, failure at primary school or lack of motivation in secondary education. This study aims reflecting on the need for progress in instruction and learning and the solutions that AI offers us. Genre, tense and number educational reforms are not enought. “Education is an ornament in prosperity and a shelter in adversity”, according to the prestigious scientist, philosopher and polymath, Aristotle.
%0 Journal Article
%1 medinalloret2022educational
%D 2022
%E of AI ™ OpenScience, The Bible
%J The Bible of AI ™ OpenScience
%K ai aitificialintelligence education machinelearning
%T Educational systems and resources based on AI which support and evaluate education
%X The use of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is progressively evident by the organising of learning and assessment methods. However, to ensure its absolute implementation in education, there is still a long way to go. This paper assesses those particularly students difficulties which pose a challenge to educational institutions. To this day, it is a fact which has not been solved. We are talking about basic necessities such as cognitive abilities for special education needs children, failure at primary school or lack of motivation in secondary education. This study aims reflecting on the need for progress in instruction and learning and the solutions that AI offers us. Genre, tense and number educational reforms are not enought. “Education is an ornament in prosperity and a shelter in adversity”, according to the prestigious scientist, philosopher and polymath, Aristotle.
abstract = {The use of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is progressively evident by the organising of learning and assessment methods. However, to ensure its absolute implementation in education, there is still a long way to go. This paper assesses those particularly students difficulties which pose a challenge to educational institutions. To this day, it is a fact which has not been solved. We are talking about basic necessities such as cognitive abilities for special education needs children, failure at primary school or lack of motivation in secondary education. This study aims reflecting on the need for progress in instruction and learning and the solutions that AI offers us. Genre, tense and number educational reforms are not enought. “Education is an ornament in prosperity and a shelter in adversity”, according to the prestigious scientist, philosopher and polymath, Aristotle. },
added-at = {2022-03-29T23:18:58.000+0200},
biburl = {},
doi = {},
editor = {of AI ™ OpenScience, The Bible},
interhash = {5dc7c1c5fc30515a49cd3cff76ae718b},
intrahash = {bf750b3d466f683a8beb8b8f8a9ff900},
issn = {2695-6411},
journal = {The Bible of AI ™ OpenScience},
keywords = {ai aitificialintelligence education machinelearning},
language = {English},
timestamp = {2022-03-29T23:18:58.000+0200},
title = {Educational systems and resources based on AI which support and evaluate education},
url = {},
year = 2022