
Genetic diversity of Neisseria lactamica strains from epidemiologically defined carriers

, , , , , and . Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 39 (5): 1710--1715 (May 2001)PMID: 11325979.
DOI: 10.1128/JCM.39.5.1710-1715.2001


We assessed the genetic diversity of 26 Neisseria lactamica strains from epidemiologically related sources, i.e., groups of kindergartens and primary schools in three Bavarian towns, by the partial sequencing of the argF, rho, recA, and 16S ribosomal genes. We found a total of 17 genotypes, of which 12 were found only in one strain. The genotypes comprised 5 alleles of the argF gene, 9 of rho, 8 of recA, and 10 of the 16S ribosomal DNA. Sequence analysis by determination of homoplasy ratios and split decomposition analysis revealed abundant recombination within N. lactamica.

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