Teil eines Buches,

From spheres to tubes: entropy induced interactions

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Motivated by a recent analysis, we study a system formed by a semi-flexible tube in a solution of spherical colloidal particles. By considering configurations minimizing the entropy of the solvent, we discuss the most entropic conformation of the helix originating from depletion interactions among different parts of the tube induced by the presence of the colloidal particles, in terms of the pitch-to-radius ratio. We show that, as the colloids get larger, this optimal pitch-to-radius ratio decreases and we clarify the origin of this effect by considering simple geometries amenable to exact analytical treatments. We propose a general numerical method to compute the excluded volume in an arbitrary configuration and we apply it to the study the energy landscape of the ideal tube-like-polymer. We find that the situation is rather more complex than previously suggested.\\ References:\\ 1. A. Giacometti, A. Maritan, C. Poletto and A. Trovato, in preparation\\ 2. Y. Snir and R. D. Kamien, Science 307, 1067 (2005); Y. Snir and R.D. Kamien cond-mat/0612243\\ 3. A. Maritan, C. Micheletti, A. Trovato and J. R. Banavar, Nature 406, 287 (2000)\\ 4. S. Asakura and F. Oosawa, J. Chem. Phys. 22, 1255 (1954)\\



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