
A.V.Usova (1921-2014) has always been one of the leading figures in Russian physics education. Her theory of physics concept formation was formulated during the 1970s and the 1980s and directly influenced the process of physics education in the 20th and the 21st century. Over the years there have been a lot of theories of concept formation. Her work contributed to our understanding of concept formation (learning, teaching) and the contemporary physics learning process. She formulated her original views on the problem of concept formation independently of Western researchers. She is perhaps the most important Russian educational theorist in the field of concept learning. A.V.Usova suggested to physics teachers the model of concept formation that describes: methods of learning concept in physics classroom, conditions of successful concept formation in physics teaching; structure of complex scientific concepts formation (stages of concept formation), the influence of interdisciplinary teaching on the scientific concept formation, criteria and levels of physics concept formation, methods and techniques of analysis of the quality of concept formation, the role of educational observation and experimentation in the scientific concepts formation, methodology formation for complex physics concepts "work" and "energy". This paper deals with both the historical A.V.Usova’s contribution review and also issues raised by post-Usova approaches.

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