
Improve storage of yam tubers as a solution to household food insecurity in Oyo and Benue States, Nigeria

, и . Agricultural Science Research Journal, 10 (1): 1-7 (января 2020)


Abstract Effective crop storage plays an integral part in ensuring domestic food supply at household level, smoothing availability into the off season. This study investigated the time value addition of yam storage and its implication on household food security in Benue and Oyo States, Nigeria. The Yam Improvement for Income and Food Security in West Africa (YIIFSWA) project data was used. A total of 180 yam farmers from Benue and Oyo States, Nigeria were used for this study. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Logistic model. The Logistic regression results revealed that the number of months of storage of yam tubers and whether the household stored food or not were significant and positively related food security. Other factors that negatively affect household food security are losses due to sprouting and household size. The study recommends that the government should introduce and provide improved yam storage methods to farmers growing yams so as to increase the shelf life of yam, smoothing consumption and make available seed yam for the next planting season. Keywords- Yam, Time value addition, storage efficiency, household food security, logit model

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