
Factors influencing place of delivery among women residing in Ifakara Town Council, Kilombero District, Tanzania

. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 8 (3): 019-026 (сентября 2021)
DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2021.8.3.0178


Background: This study was done to assess factors influencing place of delivery among women residing in Ifakara Town Council, Kilombero district, Tanzania. Method: A community based descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in February 2021. A total of 135 child bearing women from 3 randomly selected wards of Ifakara Town Council were involved in the study. Structured pre-tested questionnaire with key information was used to collect desired data. Results: More than half 55.6% of the women had health facility delivery and 44.4% of them had home delivery. The most common reason for home delivery was sudden onset of labor 50.4%. Other reasons for home delivery were age of 26 and above, parity of four, and education of mother. Conclusion: Maternal health services, such as antenatal care, skilled assistance during delivery and post-natal care, adequate equipment in health facilities, play a major role of in the reduction of maternal morbidity and mortality. Therefore, efforts should be made both at community and government levels to increase health facility delivery.

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