
Evaluation of the Impacts of International Agricultural Investments on the Economy of African Rural Populations A Concise Review



Food and nutritional sufficiency is a daunting task for national governments and for a long time has remained a political and economic score point given its crucial nature in all national and international discussions. The impact of its importance makes it a core issue of policy making and lack of its management is a possible candidate for national emergency. This study has considered the relevance of international financial intervention in the socio economic balance of developing nations within the framework of agriculture and food production. The need for this investment is the resultant effect of lack of opportunity or unavailability of alternatives arising from poor public policy frameworks that has been shown to suffocate local agricultural production capacities. In the light of the understanding of this menace, the study analyzed the various incidental challenges and their possible solutions which culminate into the accommodation of private investment within public interest, which is more popularly referred to, as, public private partnership arrangements, indicating how it has enabled domesticated economies climb on the shoulders of global economic giants. The succinct recommendations of the study in respect of the design and implementation of public policy framework is very instructive and intended to be a springboard to significant successes. E. O. Taiwo "Evaluation of the Impacts of International Agricultural Investments on the Economy of African Rural Populations: A Concise Review" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-6 | Issue-4 , June 2022, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd50204.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/management/public-sector-management/50204/evaluation-of-the-impacts-of-international-agricultural-investments-on-the-economy-of-african-rural-populations-a-concise-review/e-o-taiwo

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