
This document is a tutorial for the Modelica language, version 1.4, which is developed by the ModelicaAssociation, a non-profit organization with seat in Linköping, Sweden. Modelica is a freely available,object-oriented language for modeling of large, complex, and heterogeneous physical systems. It is suitedfor multi-domain modeling, for example, mechatronic models in robotics, automotive and aerospaceapplications involving mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and control subsystems, process orientedapplications and generation and distribution of electric power. Models in Modelica are mathematicallydescribed by differential, algebraic and discrete equations. No particular variable needs to be solved formanually. A Modelica tool will have enough information to decide that automatically. Modelica isdesigned such that available, specialized algorithms can be utilized to enable efficient handling of largemodels having more than hundred thousand equations. Modelica is suited and used for hardware-in-the-loop simulations and for embedded control systems. More information is available athttp://www.Modelica.org/

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