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%0 Thesis
%1 schaper2007development
%A Schaper, Jasmina
%D 2007
%T Development of a technology for arranged electrofusion of mammalian cells: applicability in breast cancer immunotherapy
added-at = {2023-12-13T10:51:42.000+0100},
author = {Schaper, Jasmina},
biburl = {},
dnbtitleid = {989853446},
interhash = {db82c0744a11b856e5cbfcda42604983},
intrahash = {f0a5869674b54afde129f553378ce2c3},
keywords = {},
school = {Uni Bielefeld},
timestamp = {2023-12-13T10:51:42.000+0100},
title = {Development of a technology for arranged electrofusion of mammalian cells: applicability in breast cancer immunotherapy},
year = 2007