
The visualization of scientific field structures is a classic of scientometric studies. This paper presents a domain analysis of the library and information science discipline based on author co-citation analysis (ACA) and journal cocitation analysis (JCA). The techniques used for map construction are the self-organizing map (SOM) neural algorithm, Ward's clustering method and multidimensional scaling (MDS). The results of this study are compared with similar research developed by Howard White and Katherine McCain 1. The methodologies used allow us to confirm that the subject domains identified in this paper are, as well, present in our study for the corresponding period. The appearance of studies pertaining to library science reveals the relationship of this realm with information science. Especially significant is the presence of the management on the journal maps. From a methodological standpoint, meanwhile, we would agree with those authors who consider MDS, the SOM and clustering as complementary methods that provide representations of the same reality from different analytical points of view. Even so, the MDS representation is the one offering greater possibilities for the structural representation of the clusters in a set of variables. (Author abstract)

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